Frequently asked questions

Our site is accessible from Bike/Car/Scooter or Taxi. You can find us on google maps. Please inbox on our Instagram handle to get the more detailed direction.

Yes, we offer parking for bicycles, scooters, and cars. Please note that while parking for bicycles and scooters is straightforward, car parking requires a bit of maneuvering. Due to limited space, you will need to reverse your car for about a minute to park properly.

We highly recommend avoiding late-night check-ins after dark. The last 10 minutes of the route pass through a jungle area, where it’s easy to take wrong turns. For your safety and convenience, please plan to arrive during daylight hours.

Yes, you must bring an identification card that shows your age. For safety and security reasons, we will keep a copy of your ID on file. Thank you for your understanding.

Check-in: Begins at 4:00 PM. Checkout: By 11:30 AM the next day

Yes, we have a limited menu kitchen on site. Here are the details: Dinner/BBQ: Needs to be pre-ordered in advance. Snacks and Drinks: Can be ordered directly from our on-site menu. To get the menu, please send us a direct message on our Instagram. We'll be happy to provide you with all the options available!

Yes, we have two staff members on site to assist you. One staff member will be available nearby overnight in case you require any assistance. We are here to ensure you have a comfortable and enjoyable stay.

If you encounter any difficulties finding your way to the site, don't hesitate to reach out to us at 9866046029 for immediate assistance. We're here to ensure your journey to our location is smooth and hassle-free.